Sunday, 8 May 2011

About this blog

The Evaluation below this post summarises the blog and links to posts in the blog when highlighted in blue. Here is a table of contents that also indicates if the post is research, experimentation or development:

Natural (trees, plants and scenery)

POST 1: Learning Agreement

POST 2: Research for project

POST 3: More ideas for project

POST 4: More ideas for project

POST 5&6: Initial research and experiments

POST 7: Idea development and experimentation

POST 8: Technical research and experimentation and idea development

POST 9: Artist research

POST 10: Modelling, materials, lighting and rendering experimentation.


POST 11: Modelling, texturing and lighting experimentation

POST 12: Artist research

POST 13: Modelling, texturing and lighting experimentation

POST 14: Modelling, materials, lighting and rendering experimentation

Piano and Sculpture

POST 15: Modelling, materials, lighting and rendering experimentation

POST 16: Modelling, texturing, rendering experimentation

POST 17: Modelling, materials, rendering experimentation

POST 18: Artist research

POST 19: Modelling and texturing experimentation


POST 20: Initial Zbrush modelling experimentation

POST 21: Anatomy modelling development and research

POST 22: Technical difficulties

POST 23: Image research

POST 24: Male and Female modelling development

POST 25: Research and experimentation of texturing

POST 26: Experimentation with rigging

POST 27: Rigging the male and female experimentation

POST 28: Modelling female hair experimentation and development

POST 29: Modelling Male hair development

POST 30: Skin materials and rendering development

POST 31: Hair material and rendering experimentation

POST 32: Rigging male and female development

POST 33: Lighting experimentation

POST 34: Texturing and lighting experimentation

POST 35: Scene experimentation

POST 36: Water and sky experimentation

POST 37: Water and sky experimentation and development

POST 38: Post-production and final images

Of course just browse the blog through the older and new pages.


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